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Organization Profile

Tenant Sanctuary


Our mission is to empower tenants by educating them on their rights and providing the tools to pursue those rights. Our tenant counselors are volunteers dedicated to the cause of tenant empowerment and education. We also provide free public educational events on a regular basis through the help of our community partners and advisors.

Justice & Legal Services
Families, Homeless, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender), Low-income Communities, Military/Veterans, Offenders/Ex-offenders, People with Disabilities, People with Health-based Concerns, Other

Contact the Volunteer Center

1740 17th Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Phone: 831-427-5070

©2017 Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, an affiliate of the HandsOn Connect, 1740 17th Ave | Santa Cruz, CA 95062

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