Contact the Volunteer Center
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
©2017 Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, an affiliate of the HandsOn Connect, 1740 17th Ave | Santa Cruz, CA 95062
We aim to provide a fun and learning environment where youth can learn the fundamentals of basketball, track and field and general fitness as well as play fun games designed to inspire a lifelong love of sports and ability to work in groups. Furthermore, we aspire to target youth coming from troubled backgrounds, faltering support systems and/or struggling with health concerns, all of whom we intend to help and/or refer to necessary services. Lastly, we strive towards a model of self-sustenance through volunteer participation, grant acquisitions, donation campaigns, and merchandise sales so as to not only provide youth with athletic opportunities but ultimately employment opportunities.
©2017 Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County, an affiliate of the HandsOn Connect, 1740 17th Ave | Santa Cruz, CA 95062